Fancy Background

Saturday, June 23, 2012


This year in July, my Grammy turns 80.  To celebrate, a bunch of my family met up on the sandy shores of Southern California for a week of fun and carefree sun-soaking.  Add a little bit of Disney magic, and we had a blast together!

Bryce getting to work on digging a hole in the sand

Parker and my dad

My Uncle Jimmy splashing around with Ava

Longtime neighbor and family-friend, Brett, coming in for a boogie-boarding break

Derek, Jimmy, and my brother Daniel cooling off with the squirt guns

Slathering on the sunscreen

My cousin Braden and his daughter Ava playing in the waves together

Derek giving Parker a pre-swim pep-talk...

Going in for the toe-dip, betraying Parker's trust

And Parker's reaction to his wet toe:

 Sand man Bryce

 Parker taking a much-needed nap on the couch with Grandma Amy

 Jim, my Grammy, and my Dad walking along the pier

Adding a dash of Disney into our week...unfortunately, not too many pictures of the Happiest Place on Earth (how did I forget to at least get a picture of Parker in front of the castle?)  Yes, that's right...our son has been to both U.S. Disney parks before the age of one...just getting him started on the right foot!

 Parker loves sucking on paper products...and spoons and straws...which there were plenty of everywhere inside the park!  He's tackling a park map in this picture:

 Future Prince Charming!

More swimming to cap off the week.  Does your grandmother boogie board? Because mine does! She had never done it before, but that didn't stop her!

Happy birthday, Grammy, we love you!

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