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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Seven Months

Just a few pics of our growing boy to cap off the month of June!  He is still squirmy, still drooly (and no teeth yet...), and somehow gets sweeter and sweeter everyday.  He's got the army-crawl down pat, and now we are waiting for him to figure out how to put one knee in front of the other.

Parker is AWESOME at helping with the laundry.  We have a great thing going: I fold it, and then he unfolds it

 Lately, Parker has taken up the annoying habit of squirming a lot while being changed.  This has been heightened with his awareness of the wipes case, which is made of a crinkly plastic, which he LOVES to touch and try to play with

Parker gave his first kiss this month...a nice, wet lick to Derek's cheek! (don't ask me how we got it on camera - pure luck)  It followed a shower of kisses Derek had been planting on Parker's creamy-smooth skin, and apparently P wanted to return the sentiment

Sleeping sideways in his crib

 Parker always loves a good book...

 Parker's favorite way to play is when you get down on the ground with him, so that he can proceed to crawl all over you.  He's not very aware of the concept of "personal space" yet :)

Our happy seven-month-old!

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